Silkie crossed with what?


Jun 4, 2015
South Carolina
So I have these cute gray little silkies that are crossed with something else but I can't seem to pin point it! I have a black and white polish a bantam silver laced Cochin then I have a mix big rooster but wasn't sure if he could mate with the Silkie cause of his size. Any help would be appreciated
So, you're asking if the large rooster can mate the bantam Silkie mixes? Sure, he can. But the question is, do you really want him to? Lots of little bantam birds end up injured or dead because of mating attempts from a standard sized bird. Sure, lots of them manage just fine, but do you want to risk it? Anything is possible with chickens, if they can find a way, they'll manage. However, I've always been of the opinion that when you're mixing sizes, its always safer to have the smaller (bantams) on top. Of course, a lot depends on just how big the rooster is, and how small the hens are as well.
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