silkie crosses or any other crosses!


how did that work? can anyone tell me what she is mixed with?
Hi Fluffy,
This is Flame, I hatched her in April. Her dad was a RIR her mom a BO.


Back view, she's in the middle between my Wheaten Marans Cockerel and her RIR half sis.

This is a cochin Silkie cross. She and her sister are the meanest duo in the yard! I got them a few months ago as adults, and they will not come near people.

I have a lot of Silkie bantam crosses hatching this mth. Silkie/Bantam Cochins Silkie/D'uccle's under 3 bantam hens and in my incubator. I am also hoping my 2 pure Buff Silkie hens start sitting on their eggs soon. I have 4 Pure Silkie Roosters 2 Partridge and 2 Buff. The Partridge ones are in my mixed flock. i will take pictures when they hatch and while they are growing, and post them as I take them.
Southernbelle I hope my Lucy looks like your chicken in the 2nd pic when she is grown she is as best we can tell or know dad was a BCM and we think mom which boody them was a silkie Lucy is on the left Bradley on the right

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