Silkie Gender Help!!!


8 Years
Sep 26, 2011
North Carolina
I picked up this black silkie chick yesterday. She is almost 2 months old. I'm praying she is a pullet because I cant have crowing where I live. I actually got her because I thought she looked the most like a pullet. She doesnt really have any comb development and her crest and tail are soft and poofy. Excuse the bad pictures. She wouldnt stop moving.



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What led you to thinking that? I'm not very experienced at sexing silkies because I have only had 3 (they all ended up being pullets) so I want to know what to look for.
I know they can! The blue pullet I used to have tricked me into thinking she was a rooster! She had a tiny swept back crest and rough, pointy hackles, and a rooster attitude. She was always chasing the others and nipping bacause she was the dominant hen (which I later figured out). Everything pointed to rooster and even the people at the hatchery thought she was a rooster when I went to give her back. A month or two later I went back to get pullet chicks of a different breed and the guy said she ended up being a pullet. Here is a pic of her.

Thought I'd give you some references from images of my blue silkie at 8 weeks old. She is a pullet.





all the above are of Lorraine @ 2 months old.


She is 5 months old here.


Rooster - You can see the streamers, long hackle feathers that look like a mullet. These feathers are very coarse compared to a pullet.

See how much broader his chest is. How much higher he is off the ground? These are all signs of a silkie rooster.

I think you are safe. I'm 95% sure you have yourself a pullet!
I know they can! The blue pullet I used to have tricked me into thinking she was a rooster! She had a tiny swept back crest and rough, pointy hackles, and a rooster attitude. She was always chasing the others and nipping bacause she was the dominant hen (which I later figured out). Everything pointed to rooster and even the people at the hatchery thought she was a rooster when I went to give her back. A month or two later I went back to get pullet chicks of a different breed and the guy said she ended up being a pullet. Here is a pic of her.

I would have guessed pullet on this one here. She has such a girly face! The hatchery silkies do not do the breed justice. Their top knots are so small!

What did you name your new girl?

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