silkie gender?


Mad Scientist
14 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Well, here goes another silkie question

my guess l-r
Roo, roo? , pullet, pullet? what throws me off is #2 & #4 are really small, body etc, almost like they are a lot younger, especially #4
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my partridge silkies I could not determine sex until they all fully feathered out and then still wasn't sure until one started crowing at about 12 weeks; out of 10 straight run bantams I managed to get just one roo which I am glad about. He feathered out larger and in more colors than the girls; you might just have to wait a while longer to know
klf73, are those part of your lavender project? I love how they posed for the picture
My birds never do that- by the time the flash is ready, mine are across the yard.
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no, they were the oddest color when they were chicks(not like any splash or blue I had) and I didn't even know they were splash until the dark splashes started coming in. They were up high and I think they didn't know what to do with themselves, that is why they stayed put
. I am trying very hard not to get interested in the lav project for these. I know they already exist but I am just keeping a flock of mixed silkies because I think the mix is pretty. I have enough projects planned, don't tempt me. Of course if someone has lavender eggs for me.........

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