Silkie got too cold and wet..

Feb 17, 2021
Somewhere down in Texas
I have a good size breeding flock of silkies, and it poured yesterday and it was cold. The majority of my birds were ok, I dried them off, got them warm, and put them in our garage out of the cold. I do have one little pullet who I think got too cold and she won’t walk. She’s doing better than yesterday when I first found her, but I’m not sure what to do with her to get her better. Do y’all have any suggestions?
Keep her in a 75-80 degree room until she is totally dry and warm. A heat lamp or heating pad used carefully for a bit might help. Offer some warm Gatorade or electrolyte water. Sugar 1 tsp per cup will also work. Offer some scrambled egg, wet chicken feed, or tuna. Hopefully, in time she will get back to normal. Wet plus cold, especially with bantams can kill. I lost a large hen once who did not go into her coop during a cold rainy night. She could have stayed dry under the coop, but she got out in the rain, and died by morning.

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