Silkie hen can not walk off balance


10 Years
Jul 12, 2013
Essex County New Jersey
Hi Brownie is 2 yrs old and always healthy. I do not know if she had vaccinations unfortunately. Monday I noticed she was limping. She lived with three other Silkies that appeared to be fine, however a new addition that came in October died suddenly in January. I removed brownie brought her inside. She is eating and drinking but I haven't seen how she gets too it. Her poop appears ok and her feathers and appearance seem normal. Her right leg will stick out but she does not fuss if manipulated. Having trouble uploading pic. Can videos be uploaded?
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It's best to submit a video to YouTube, and give us a link here. What symptoms did the newer chicken have before dying? Most times a leg injury is to blame for limping, but Mareks disease can be brought in by a carrier. Were any of your chickens vaccinated for Mareks? Resting her leg for a week or two may help if it is a sprain. The best thing you can do is to provide vitamins and electrolytes to her water, and make sure that she can reach her food. Here is some info about Mareks disease:
Thank you. I tried to upload a link to utube can u take a look.
It is suspicious of Mareks disease, but don't take that as a diagnosis. Many things can look like Mareks symptoms, including leg injuries, botulism from eating remains of a dead animal, eating moldy feed, eating lead shot or paint chips, or other things that cause neurological problems. They can have paralysis of one or both legs or wings, and sometimes the neck, imbalance, and using the wings to help balance. Here is some reading about Mareks and botulism:

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