Silkie leg problems?

Apr 27, 2021
Day before yesterday all was fine. Then when we get home from work I notices one of my silkies with a leg that seems to be in the extended locked position. She will attempt to run from the other chickens but doesn’t seem to put any real weight on it. We’ve checked her range of motion and everything seems to move okay and the bird doesn’t really show any sign of distress when you try and move it around. We’ve isolated her since last night. She also seems to have messy diarrhea. I cleaned her up very well last night and this morning she’s a mess. We haven’t added any new birds since summer. ALL of our other chickens are fine. Really at a lost. Should be cull her? No chickens vets in our area. Thanks In advance.
It could be that she injured it and has a slipped or injured tendon. Another possibility is an early symptom of Mareks disease, but hopefully not. I would separate her in a dog crate with food and water within reach, and observe her.
It could be that she injured it and has a slipped or injured tendon. Another possibility is an early symptom of Mareks disease, but hopefully not. I would separate her in a dog crate with food and water within reach, and observe her.
Ya I put her in a crate shortly after noticing something was wrong. I put low dose baby aspirin in her water for pain. It’s starting to get cold here so I put low heat on her since she’s alone. She’s just laying right next to the heat with that one leg out. Anything else I can do for a slipped or injured tendon? I’m hoping it’s not mareks…. My boyfriend mentioned the same thing. We have 20 chickens that are more our pets instead of just “livestock animals”. I have done some research on it and know it can spread very easily. All the other chickens seem normal so far, but I’m very nervous about this. Last year one of our bigger birds injured her leg some how but always kept it tucked under her. A few days later she was on it like nothing happened. This girl (Maria is her name) keeps her leg straight out. Also the diarrhea, she has all the fluff since she’s a Silkie and I’ve never noticed this much poop on her even in the middle of summer when she was doing the whole broody thing. How/when will I know if it’s for sure mareks? What should I do with the rest of the flock if it is or even just in case it is? I read birds bought from a hatchery are already vaccinated and the birds we added to the flock this summer where from a hatchery. Maria is not from a hatchery. I let one of my other silkies (also not from a hatchery) hatch her but never vaccinated any of the ones that hatched. I only have 3 of them left that I hatched. I gave the others to people who wanted to add silkies to their hobby farms if it is mareks should I tell them? I have gotten some of my other chickens from people that breed and from people that just didn’t want them anymore without asking if they are vaccinated. I’m just not sure on this one…
When you get chicks from a hatchery, they are not vaccinated for Mareks unless you request it and pay extra. It is always a risk to buy birds from others, and it is possible to bring in a carrier of some contagious disease. Exposure to other birds, especially with Mareks disease, will make the whole flock carriers, and they can spread the virus. Having the vaccine may protect them from getting the disease symptoms, but it is not always 100% effective. It is up to you whether or not to inform others about birds that you have sold or given away. The only ways to confirm Mareks are to get blood tested through a lab such as RAL, where they send you supplies to collect blood from a trimmed toenail, or to have your state vet test the chicken after death for Mareks while they ar doing a necropsy. Here is a link for the blood test:
When you get chicks from a hatchery, they are not vaccinated for Mareks unless you request it and pay extra. It is always a risk to buy birds from others, and it is possible to bring in a carrier of some contagious disease. Exposure to other birds, especially with Mareks disease, will make the whole flock carriers, and they can spread the virus. Having the vaccine may protect them from getting the disease symptoms, but it is not always 100% effective. It is up to you whether or not to inform others about birds that you have sold or given away. The only ways to confirm Mareks are to get blood tested through a lab such as RAL, where they send you supplies to collect blood from a trimmed toenail, or to have your state vet test the chicken after death for Mareks while they ar doing a necropsy. Here is a link for the blood test:
Thank you.
Last night before bed I checked on Maria she was sitting up drinking a lot. This morning she has poop all over her and the cage and she’s just in the corner. The “splits” is very present this morning. She is eating eggs but won’t sit up. I try to put her legs back under her, but she’ll flap her wings and end up back in the splits…. She seems very awake and alert otherwise…


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