Jun 7, 2010 #1 RAWR Songster 10 Years May 26, 2009 4,604 11 219 who wants to know? how big do they get?
Jun 7, 2010 #2 laceynoelle I am Batman 12 Years Nov 12, 2009 1,661 382 287 Reno i think like cochin size. thats about how big mine are. bantam cochin. but they are stiull babies.
Jun 7, 2010 Thread starter #3 RAWR Songster 10 Years May 26, 2009 4,604 11 219 who wants to know? Quote: thankiez i have some cochins thats what i was trying to figure out for like ever...thankiez so much!
Quote: thankiez i have some cochins thats what i was trying to figure out for like ever...thankiez so much!