Silkie questions gender and such


10 Years
Oct 13, 2009
New Paris, Pa 15554
This is my first silkie, well I have 3 but this one is my favorite. I was wondering if anyone could tell the gender yet? She/he was born christmas night. Does she/he have and good quality? She/he is VERY sweet, and makes a completely different noise then my regular chickens do, that were born the same time. Loves to cuddle.
also she has made a wheeze noise every so often since she was born. Is that normal? Does not act sickly or anything, eats normal poos normal so I don't think its life threatening, just wondered what anyone else might think.







It looks to be a nice bird. It is still young and has a lot of filling out and fluffing up to do. I am unable to even guess at the sex at this age. Mine are 7 months and I had no clue until about 4 or 5 months of age. Besides that, I love the last picture... Too Cute!!!
I figured it might be too early to tell but I really don't know much yet about silkies other than they are hard to sex, and I needed somewhere to put her pictures on here, and the dog just loves the attention. lol
I only have my silkie roo to go by, but the topnot looks a lot like his did at that age, and his tail wasn't poofy, it was more streamers. I'm gonna say roo.
yea I hope she/he gets poofy lol I just think she/he is great!!! sweetest chick ever!!!!! I was hopin for a girl to see her go broody and raise some babies in the future.
I see some streamers too...I was also gonna say roo.

You never know though. Give it some time, Silkies will surprise you!

Edited to add: Where did you get him?
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One of the pics looks like the chick has a wider comb--that would indicate Roo...but Silkies are notoriously difficult to sex. Remember to be cautious in letting the chick live with other chickens; don't want it's exposed brain pecked!
I hatched him/her from and egg from pidgey104, was the only one to hatch out of two batches of eggs. And he/she lives with two other rir crosses, and EE, and 2 black silkies that were all born at the same time. I just moved them semi-outside but last night i just couldn't let her stay out there. lol

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