Silkie, right?

cottontail farm

9 Years
Dec 26, 2014
Rural NW Pa
Our local TSC has a bin of chicks right now that I am almost positive are silkies but the manager says "no" although she couldn't tell me why she thought that.

They are:
White with a visible "puff" behind beak/between eyes
Very Black legs with full feathering
Black beaks
I could not see extra toes
I could not see skin color

I am going in today to get meat chickens and would like to buy a couple of these too, if everyone thinks they ARE silkies.
What I'm asking is - is with the way I described them is there ANYTHING ELSE these could be BUT a silkies? If so, what?

Thanks for the positive vote. By your picture, I would say that you know a silkie. Beautiful bird! I ended up buying two today when I went in. The DO have extra toes and black skin. Silkie!
It's really funny because only hours after being here they are totally the bosses of the brooder. Like in a "I know I'm beautiful, get the heck out of my way" as they knock over a meat peep on the way to the feeder. LOL.
You're welcome. And, thank you! That blue girl is Wendy 1 (or 2, I can't tell them apart :p ), one of my favorite girls. She's a looker :)

Its good they're being assertive, hopefully they'll stay that way so they don't get picked on. Congrats on your new chicks!

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