Silkie rooster bit wobbly


In the Brooder
May 14, 2022
We have 1 silkie rooster, he lives on his own after we lost his girlfriend last year. I've noticed recently he is a bit wobbly on occasion, only occasionally but enough that I'm noticing it. Could is be a vitamin deficiency? And I'm in the uk so I need a good vitamin supplement recommended that I can get easily in the uk because all the ones I've seen recommended are usa ones. No avian vet near here. I've not had a silkie before, my stupid inlaws got them with no experience.
How old is he, and what are you feeding him? Is he the only rooster, and was he vaccinated against Mareks? Is he acting sick, eating and drinking, or having any problems walking? A good inexpensive vitamin is human B complex, and 1/4 tablet daily can be crushed in food or a little water. Some may also give 400 IU of human vitamin E, alond with a few bits of scrambled egg or sunflower kernels for selenium. That is good for neurological problems.
How old is he, and what are you feeding him? Is he the only rooster, and was he vaccinated against Mareks? Is he acting sick, eating and drinking, or having any problems walking? A good inexpensive vitamin is human B complex, and 1/4 tablet daily can be crushed in food or a little water. Some may also give 400 IU of human vitamin E, alond with a few bits of scrambled egg or sunflower kernels for selenium. That is good for neurological problems.
Around 6 months old, I have no idea he was brought from a farmers auction so unlikely. He's not sick he's eating and drinking and walking about, poops are fine. He seems fit and healthy. Just every now and then he wobbles. He lives on his own at the momemt as his partner died in october. He has pellets from heygates, I can't recall exactly which ones as it's my brother in law that buys them and empties them into my tub lol. Scrambled egg ok, can I use duck ones or only chicken ones ?

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