silkie sexing

No not really, my rooster was a silkie cross but when he was crowing at 14 weeks his spurs were absolutely the same size as his sisters.

Even at 8 months when we had to rehome him they still hadnt really started to grow much.

I can't get very good pictures since I just got these chickens and they are a little afraid of people. I bought what I thought was 3 hens, but now I am not sure. =/ Can you tell me if he is a 'he' or a 'she'? They are about 4 months old. I haven't raised silkies before.

my porcelain both are 7wks♡
Partridge on the left is probably a pullet from the coloring.

I can't get very good pictures since I just got these chickens and they are a little afraid of people. I bought what I thought was 3 hens, but now I am not sure. =/ Can you tell me if he is a 'he' or a 'she'? They are about 4 months old. I haven't raised silkies before.
I also believe that the lighter colored silkie is a rooster from the red shoulder patch and crest. :)
Your porcelain looks like a pullet so far. The splash Silkie however is making me leen more on the rooster side for him because of his comb/wattle growth, but they are still young in a few weeks the gender should be clearer.
thanks at first I thought the porcelain was a roo it grew the fastest and feathered out more...but now I think the splash is a roo and my porcelain is a hen lol silkie problems
How old are they? I have two silkies that are9 months and two sizzles 6 months, the silkies have small combs, no streamers, the breeder said they were both girls. The other two have single small combs. One a bit pointier neck feathers and tail, but not a pretty flashy rooster tail . We have no eggs or crowing for that matter. Any thoughts?

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