silkie sexing

I got this trio in March from Tractor Supply and they were labeled as "Bantams". Well, since the biggest boy is now bigger than my year old EE hens, I think the whole "bantam" idea can be chucked out the window! Both boys are noisy, and the smaller (Stan) has very iridescent blue ears, and a bluish beak and feet. The bigger boy (Randy) has very dark purple ears and wattles and blackish feet. Then there's the hen (Sharon). Recently I've noticed that her comb and wattles are very red. What could this mean? I'll try and get better pics of the boys today. They both have HUGE combs already.

These are the boys. You can see the difference in the color of their feet here.

And Sharon thinking that she really should be able to come to work with me.
Here's my 9 week old Silkie. Hen or roo?

This is my little silkie, I have a few problems here a) no leg feathers (have been ranting just a tad on another thread about this) b) unsure of age and c) the reason I've come to you lovely lot, I'm unsure of gender. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Hello, I'm hoping you guys could help me. I got 5 beautiful silkies a few months ago and although told that they had been sexed. I am wondering about the gender of two of them, it might just be me but I'm sure I can see boyish traits, on the brown one Conker, I think he/she may be developing streamers and long hackle feathers although His/her comb is still relatively flat. Whereas Harri the buff silkie has a much larger comb than all of the rest and it is a reddish colour rather than a black one like the rest and I'm wondering if I can also see streamers developing in Harri too. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated as I'm driving my OH nuts asking him all the time, as he is convinced that they are all girls. Thank you. Forgot to add that they are 6 months old :)











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