silkie sexing


This is my silkie who is about 5-6 months old. We thought it was a rooster but he's not crowing and he sometimes acts like a hen. Can anyone tell from my picture if this is a rooster for sure?

I'm guessing hen as well
Not sure if it's too early - these are about 4-5 weeks old and hatchery quality.. poor little ugly buggers.. :)

I'm leaning towards roo on this one only because of temperament little bugger was staring me down.. LOL

This is Buttercup. Any guesses? I think "she's" about 12 wks old. My daughter's pet. If I generate enough sympathy, we can ensure a pullet, right?

I'm guessing Buttercup is a sassy little pullet as I don't see streamers she does carry her tail very high hence the sass. A pic of the comb could help me feel more sure but at 12 weeks I think you're pretty safe and she's very very pretty!
Is it safe to guess that Sky is a pullet? She/he is around 8 months old, I've been thinking cockerel for the longest time but now I'm thinking that I've been wrong. as crazy as it may sound, I kinda wanted a cockerel so I have two males( her dad is getting up there in age) but I have more silkie eggs that are due on Thursday and then next Friday so I'm more than fine with sky being a pullet. Anyways enough rambling for me, here's some pictures I took about an hour ago, I tried to get a full body but Sky wouldn't cooperate lol






And just because I took a picture of her today too, I included one of Silks, who has 9 silkie eggs under her. When those hatch I may put one or two pheasant chicks under her too and see how it goes( they just so happen to have about the same due date, but the pheasant eggs are in the incubator)

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