silkie sexing

We got another silkie! Woot! I'm hooked on these beauties!
Is it a pullet?
I have 3 Silkies left. They are approx. 9 months old. All the roos have been crowing and the one hen is laying. The 3rd one is still a mystery. It doesn't make a peep, it isn't laying and I have never seen the roo mount her. It tends to hang out with our hen and they can been seen laying together often. HELP! Is it a roo or a hen???

(the first 3 are of the one in question) Here is a pic of our hen and roo for comparison. I tried to get one of all 3 of them together but they aren't cooperating.
Our roo has a large bump and the one in question just has a flat spot but doesn't have the fluffy top. Ugh!
Cross posting, but hoping you silkie experts might have info! This is our 7 week old silkie. We can't have rooster's within city limits, so hoping it is a girl.. but I am holding on to this one until I know for sure in any event. We have become rather attached. THoughts?

Well, that was one of my girls, my blue splash. I didnt mean to hit reply yet, here are the other two



And my white


Any guesses on boy or girl?


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