silkie sexing

But are you sure as in 100% sure?
Hello guys and gals,

I have some new addition to my family but really not sure if I have little ladies or gentleman.... I know that silkies are so hard to to sex but would really want to know soon as so that I can return the males and swap for females so I don't have to upheave the flock later on... Here are some pics I will try and get some clearer ones later thank you x
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I'm leaning towards a hen on account of her tail being soft and round.
I hope so. The chicks mommas have little walnut combs under their crests, so my girl babies may have larger combs.

Here are updated chick pics. I posted them on the silkie thread, but I would like some input on sex. They are 8 and 10 weeks
The 8 week olds...

same chick as above... also same as previous post.

same chick as above

same chick as above

The 10 week olds..

Same chick as above 100% on boy :)

Same chick as above. thinking girl

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