silkie sexing


Husband bought me 4 silkies for my birthday middle of May. Starting to see different characteristics in them. And thinking I may have a couple Roosters in the bunch. Also have no clue in age. Any help woukd be appreciated, as these are my first ones. I still habe them seperated from my Orphingtons and EE's.



They are Beautiful. I'm pretty sure my Silkie is a boy because he chest bumps the lil boy banties.
It's name was winter. He is mean, loaner, and shy. He's 8 weeks old. Went from Winter to Storm




The only ones nice to him are the buffs and RIR.
I have 16 together.
The last photo is 4weeks.
The upper 8 weeks.
Now at 10 wks he is much bigger.
I am lucky I live in the sticks, I love my boys, I will seperate as they get older especially him, yet I dare not give em up.
I attempted to put them with the Orphingtons..fighting immediately. And my Orpingtons had a mouth full of feathers. The EE not as quick to attack, but after awhile did Peck.
I have them seperated but can see each other in large Pros jump at chicken wire to peck silkies. Will have to try again, I was shocked my Pros have this behavior towards them when everything I read said they were the kindest. silkies chest bump each other and have stand-offs with each other. Something I've never seen my hens do. I'm wondering if 3 of my 4 aren't roosters..

Husband bought me 4 silkies for my birthday middle of May. Starting to see different characteristics in them. And thinking I may have a couple Roosters in the bunch. Also have no clue in age. Any help woukd be appreciated, as these are my first ones. I still habe them seperated from my Orphingtons and EE's.




At almost 12 weeks going to say that he definitely is a he :)


Both of you, it would be helpful if you guys could include more pictures side views of the birds standing, combs, crests etc.
Can someone please help me to figure out if my 18 week old Blue Silkie is a hen or a rooster? I am really hoping that it is a hen. She is such a sweetheart and on the timid side, lower on the pecking order. She always comes right up to me when I am around and loves to be pet. :) I have had 4 silkies and the other 3 turned out to be roosters.


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