Silkie Thread! Talk about your Silkies and post pics of your Silkies

Thanks so much!!! I will be studying my butt off!

I know, they are addictive! I seen the silkies and fell in love, got four which all ended up to be roos. I then got another 4 chicks and which unfortunately a sneaky, slithery predator got all of them.
I held off on getting chicks for awhile until we could locate and patch any holes we found on our enclosed front porch. Just finished this past weekend, (which means more chicks!) BUT I just got me 2 older hens last weekend, already laying, beautiful little sisters!
I got them from a fellow BYC member and one is broody and laying on 2 eggs. I will have to get pics posted of the new girls!
I was only able to get pics of one of my new girls. The broody hen got too dark but they are sisters and really look alot alike. I really have a hard time telling them apart. I didn't come up with a name for them yet. I am still trying to decide!

Sorry the picture quality isn't the greatest.





She has been mating with these guys. I can't wait to see the chicks!






Hey Hannah!
I know it is a very busy time for you! No problem!
She is currently sitting on two eggs. One was laid within the hour of getting her home last Friday and another the next morning. I am thinking it was one from each of the girls because one is a cream to very light brown and the other is more white. I have not gotten another egg since that time though.
I was really worried how the boys were treating the new girls at first but things seemed to have calmed down now. These boys are so big compared to the girls!!! The boys have turned out to be gorgeous and I am VERY happy with them! Bob is the head roo and I am not sure between Sammy & Animal which is the 2nd & 3rd. Some days it could be either one.
Now Muppet, I didn’t post a pic of him last night has me confused and I think Muppet might be confused too.
He was one of the first 2 to crow. I have not heard him crow for a long time but did hear the clucking like a hen the other day???? Then animal tried to mount him yesterday. Either they are all confused or just Muppet! LOL He is big like the other boys though. Not as tiny as the girls.
I am very happy with bothe the girls & the boys! Thanks!!!
look what I found this morning


their daddy is Capone my cuckoo roo (avatar) out of a black hen. I'm hoping for some cuckoos.

here are some month old whites

they are going through an awkward phase

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