Silkie thread!

Ok, confession
I've given up on keeping up with this thread

Plus, the adorable little balls of fluff make me drool and I am afraid my keyboard will short out!

Anyway, I have been popping in and out as we have our lone silkie boy to consider.

I have a question for those of you that may have mixed flocks. We have a total of 20 birds, all are LF except our lone silkie cockrel. I would like to get him a couple of girlfriends. He and half the flock are 20 weeks old. How hard will it be to bring in two new girls? Suggestions? We just dont' have space to build a seperate coop.

I look forward to your suggestions/responses. Thanks.
This one is my favorite!! Doncha just LUV the babies??? The whole world is something new and cool to them and they revel in it.

Sheila :)
Oh, the babies are great!
Now they're learning to chest bump, pounce on each other and all the fun stuff. lol They're hysterical.
I think the greatest reason for tail feathers is to point out which end is the back.
That's a good one.

This is the pose my chicks make when they are pooping
Maybe that's what it was doing then, who knows. lol I happened to turn around towards the chicks, I saw the pose, clicked, and the chick ran away flapping it's wings.
Must have been a pretty good poop. haha

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