Silkie thread!

Help silkie chicken people!! I'm still not 100% sure about these three. I love my silkies but I'm not a chicken professional
Please give me a guess on sex and let me know what color they are. I just got them because I thought they were cute

"white" hen



Buff hen (pretty sure)


black partridge? Roo I think, he is a keeper!!! So lovey!!! I could carry him around all day


What color is he? (He's got to go!)


The blue ones crows now so I know it's a roo. They are about 19 weeks, except the white one, she is 17 weeks. Thanks so much!!!
I would urge you to keep two if you can. Chickens are flock animals and very social, they do much better with companionship of their own kind than being alone.

Oh, I am going to have 8-9 Chickens...only one at this point will be a silkie. ;-)

Hope the others are bantam sized. Silkies tend to get picked on by standard breeds. I think mostly due to the crests. However you can trim the crests and that will help.
Thanks! I have no intention to use them for breeding, just eggs and entertainment
The blue has a single rose comb that's mostly purpleish. He's nice too but I can only keep two roos, and I already plan to keep a huge EE roo. The partridge roo is such a gentleman!! He flops over when we pet him, loves my kids, I just can't part with him! When I sell the blue should he be used for breeding? If so what colors should he be crossed with? I have no idea and I know someone will ask me! Thanks again!

Also, I have to say I'm shocked at how big the silkie roos are!! As much as they look like fluff, they are HEAVY, stout birds!!!
Thank You Chicklette: I'd love to keep them all but can't cause I already have 60 chickens not counting them and on 10 acres, plus I heard my chickens swalking lastnite at 1am when I got outside I seen 2 coons trying to catch my hens. Atleast I would sell them some if they would ask 1st.Plus I got a Hawk that has been eyeing my chickens from above. I hate to cage them up cause they love to free range. Them coons can climb trees better than any animal I've ever seen. I had better invest in a gun of some kind if I want my chickens.Them coons & hawks are getting me so
Can someone please critique my little partridge? I think he/she is really nice, but I am just getting into silkies, so my opinion doesn't count! LOL! He/she doesn't have as vaulted of a head as a couple of my blues, but he definitely has the best spaced toes. What do you guys think? He/she is about 4 weeks old. Thanks in advance for your input!! Linda









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