Silkie thread!

Cute pics everyone! !!! Been super busy lately working and hatching polish babies. ..
let the silkies out to meet the big girls again. They didn't come out until they went back in the coop lol!! They loved grazing. ..
I have a broody silkie she isn't laying eggs but she isn't sitting on any either. She has been sitting like this for a week and I know she's eating but I don't know if she's drinking :( I am planning on getting chicks from a breeder in a couple of weeks for her. I am going to just put them under her and see what happens. My other chickens got in with her and she turned facing out and was growling and made lots of noise. But she won't hurt her partner hen. What do you guys think of the chick idea and what she is doing. :/

John I have done this many times. It really does depend on your hen but so far all of my silkie and silkie crossers have gladly recieved the gift of chicks.
You can pop them under after dark but that can be risky. If she moves off them they will freeze. I prefer to separate momma and pop them under her whilst I supervise . Occasionally you will get a hen that will take an inquisitive peck, but the chicks instinct is to dive under the hen.
Which ever method you choose , it is always a good idea to have a ' backup plan ' ie, a heat lamp and brooder box ready just in case. Good luck.
I would think that the dark moorcap makes it a partridge .

I thought so, too, and then saw that there was a picture posted on page 1405 of this thread of a hen colored almost exactly like this and they said it was a porcelain. I hatched out another chick colored just like this one from a egg marked porcelain, but I always thought they were more of a cream color.
Anyone here have all girls and one rooster? Question is, would being the only rooster on the property make him less vocal? Or is it individual? I'm trying to convince my husband to let me get that beautiful porcelain pair I posted a few days ago. The coop is literally under our bedroom, living room, & kitchen window.

I don't know if the number of Roo's has anything to do with it but I have 2 Silkie Roo's and I only get crowing in the morning and it is not very loud. I like thier crows better then LF Roo's cause its not so loud and my neighbors don't get upset about it. That would be a bad place for a coop, but we do what we must... lol

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