Silkie thread!

This is great information! I was wondering about trimming the fluff around their eyes. It doesn't seem to bother my pullet at all but I can tell a big difference in my cockerel since his crest came in. He used to love worms that I would feed him. But now I think he's having a hard time seeing them when I hold them between my fingers. I have to lay them on my hand flat and put them right up to his beak. He seems more reserved and skittish. I'm going to trim him up today!! Thank you for all the info!

It doesn't take much to return their vision. I use nice small sharp scissors and take a little away above the eye and trim the beard a bit too. Blowing the feathers away as you cut. to the untrained eye , it's not even noticeable but it makes a difference to the birds ' outlook ' on life. :)
I have a black silkie rooster in northern va I need to find a home for. I thought it was a she!
What fruits can I give my silkies to peck at? They are nine weeks old and I want give them a bit of a treat but I dont have money to buy treats for them.
What fruits can I give my silkies to peck at? They are nine weeks old and I want give them a bit of a treat but I dont have money to buy treats for them.
watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, strawberries, pumpkin, squash, zucchini, I could go on. Tomatoes, avocados, and potatoes are toxic to chickens.

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