Silkie thread!

Any tips on how to go about washing slikes? So that their white feathers aren't brown

I stopped getting white feathered birds after our White Leghorn got dirty, yellow, stained, and dingy. Can't get the white back until next molt. As for washing Silkies I avoid it until absolutely necessary like egg-layer butt wash only, or a warm washcloth on the crest or beard when they get matted. I get the blue or brown or cuckoo feathered breeds now. I have a Buff that's better than white but its still not ideal for backyard free-ranging.
My first silkies were white until I saw how filthy they got.
No more white birds for me unless it's like a production layer.
I found my first egg today! She wasnt with it, so im not sure if it was my white or black silkie. I have strong suspicion that it was the black silkie because she has been talking up a storm the past few days.

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