Silkie thread!

What I should of done is put the Black silkies out on the white snow then took a snapshot


I LOVE what you've done with the white Silkies! "Polar Silkies".
I over heard someone say that NY has a nice show at Cobbleskill, NY (sorry about the spelling of the city)

Is that far from you? If not I would say look up the show and see when the next one rolls around and perhaps you can go meet the breeders face to face and get to see the birds in person

If not I would look under the forums for chickenstocks and shows and see if there may be one closer?

Best Wishes

Hadn't really chosen a color. Thats why I'm looking for someone close. Would like to see some quality birds in person.
My babies are so dirty they hardly look like silkies right now and look so neglected even though they are not it has been raining non stop here and it has been cold i do not let them out till after the rain and the run has dried up alot but they seem to find the only little mud hole and play in it and i can not give them a bath right now because it is way to cold and they could get sick i plan on inclosing the top in a few weeks to help keep most rain out of the run area once income taxes come in but how do i keep them from playing in the mud and how do i clean them to make them look like silkies again i have no room in my house to bath them all in there and it is just to cold outside to do it i have hay in their nest boxes to help take some mud off but it does not woork to good they sill all brown from the mud and feathers sticking together i hate they have to look like that but i do not want them to get sick if i bath them while it is cold how do i get them clean. if i can not get them looking better and like they are actually being taken care of like we are we feed water and even pet and love on them and they love their treats we give them but if this continues i might have to find someone that has a big enough coop to keep them in at all times and give them to them so that they can stay nice and clean and look like a silkie.
i just hate that they look so bad my daughter wanted to show the white ones but it does not look like it will happen they are getting all stained with mud poor things look so pitiful they also refuse to use the roost bard in the coop i keeped them locked up for over a week to teach them that is where they sleep and they refuse to go in and sleep and to use the roost how do i get them to go in at night to sleep and use the roost my husband says we need to lower the roost but they have a ladder for them to walk on to get on the roost.
good to we have had awful rain here all week/weekend and I leave my silkie's door open from their covered run to the open run if they want to go out...and of course they do!!! My oldest white hen has an orange matted beard and orange dreadlocks...she looks so funny...must take a pic...I was worried that she would get cold so they have a heat lamp in the coop to try and dry them off while they sleep.

It is funny to see my chickens CHOOSE to go out in the rain!!!!

the sun is out today so hopefully we can dry out some ...

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