Silkie toes

waibel zoo

10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Sandy, UT
I was just wondering about silkie toes. I know they should have six only. But I have a chick and the back facing toe forks at the nail and it has two nails on one toe, on both feet. Is this common? I think it is unique and I like unique. Also how will the cranium feel with proper vaulting?
LOL YUP sometimes its hard to get the little buggers to stay still long enough to even count them
My white silkie has three toes/nails on one and I can only find four toes but she doesn't stay still long enough for me to really count em up. I don't plan to breed her and don't show so I don't mind the extra toes.
You occasionally see two nails coming out of one nail bed. Most judges do not DQ it, but given a choice, you shouldn't breed the bird. If it's your best choice, and other traits are outstanding, breed to a bird with perfect toes, or even one with too few toes.

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