Silkie - very sudden death, maybe environmental cause, worried about rest of flock


5 Years
Apr 8, 2014
Hi everyone. I apologize if this is something that has been covered here before, but a quick search did not turn up any clear results. I am very worried about my other chickens, so I wanted to address this to folks with some real experience.

This morning one of my silkies died very quickly and without any clear symptoms prior to her last ten minutes or so. She was an eight month old hen that had been laying without any problems for the last three months. There are five other silkie hens in our flock that are all the same age. The hen that died was prone to getting a bit more messy on her backside than the others, but it was not pasting up her vent.

The circumstances: I was outside letting them free range this morning. After scratching around as normal for about 30 minutes, this hen sat down on the ground. She appeared to be laying an egg, so I left her alone. After about five minutes, she started listing to the side and it was obvious that she was struggling. I came to her to see if it could be egg binding. I did not see an egg nor did the vent appear to be struggling. She was starting to close her eyes as if she were falling asleep and then slowly waking back up over and over again.

I picked her up. She was going fairly limp, but did startle briefly and flap her wings. I took her over to the coop and sat her down. She convulsed violently and flapped her wings, propelling herself up briefly before falling on her side. She did this one more time a few seconds after the first time. I then picked her up again to inspect her vent just in case. She went even more limp and died. Her oviduct did protrude briefly during this process, but it appeared to be at the same time her body went entirely limp.

There are no obvious wounds on her and I did not hear any commotion prior to her sitting down. The hens have free ranged in this same place countless times and none of the others are showing any signs of distress. They were scratching in the area near our fire pit where we had recently burned some cherry tree branches, so there was ash on the ground. It is their first spring here in East Tennessee, so there are all kinds of new things growing now.

I've gone through the various diseases in some books I have, but nothing stands out as an obvious cause for such a sudden death. The breeder that we used does not vaccinate bantams, so it is possible that it is Marek's, but our flock has been isolated from other chickens entirely since they were day old chicks. We do have wild birds that frequent the yard--primarily song birds and sometimes wild turkeys. The run and coop are protected from outside birds, but they could be exposed in the yard.

Thank you for any insights that you can share. It has been over an hour since the death and none of the other hens are exhibiting symptoms.
Sometimes chickens die for no apparent reason. There is a reason but it’s not apparent. Maybe it was a heart attack or stroke, something like that. It doesn’t sound like Marek’s or any disease I can think of. Most diseases don’t act that quickly.

If it does not happen again, I’d suggest you don’t worry too much about it. If something involves one hen you have a hen problem. But if it involves more than one, you probably have a flock problem. That sounds like a hen problem.

However, call your county extension agent, online or in the phone book under county government. Talk to them about what it takes to get a hen necropsied. That’s a chicken autopsy. Find out what the costs are and how you go about getting one done. That probably involves refrigerating the hen or keeping her in an ice chest and delivering her to some point. At least find out what your options and required procedures are. They are different in each state. Then, if it happens again, you can take her in and discover what the real problem is. Otherwise you are just guessing.
Thank you for the response, Ridgerunner. Given the speed with which this happened, a heart attack or stroke could be possible. The behavior did appear to have a neurological aspect to it, so perhaps a stroke. For such a young and otherwise healthy hen in her normal environment on a nice sunny spring day to experience such a thing without a clear cause, it is certainly unsettling.

I have refrigerated the remains and have a call in to our extension office. Hopefully they can provide some insights or at least help me put it behind me.

Are there any toxic things that a hen could eat that would cause such a sudden death? I know that they naturally avoid such things typically, but could a plant, mushroom, or an insect (centipede or millipede) be a cause? Or if it was not something that was consumed, perhaps the venom of a spider or insect bite? I did not suspect that initially since there was no commotion among the birds prior to the event.
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It's always possible she ate something that caused that. It's extremely rare but Mother Nature does make some pretty strong natural poisons. So do humans. I have no idea what it could have possibly been though. With practically anything she may have eaten, not only does it usually take time for it to act, it's often cumulative. They have to eat a certain dosage for it to have an effect and often, eat that for several days.

I seriously doubt it was an insect she ate or that bit her. Spider venom does not act that way and certainly not that fast.

I'm not expert enough to rule out anything, but I really do think it was nothing more exotic than a stroke or heart attack, something like that.
Sounds about right. All of the other hens are doing fine after two hours, so that's something to feel good about. Thank you for taking the time to help a first-time forum poster and new owner, Ridgerunner. Hopefully I can get involved in the community on happier notes in the future.
What is wrong with my silkie roosters i had one die 2 days ago and now another this morning there looks like nothing wrong with yhem beside the last one i looked at had poop all over its butt

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