Silkie with swollen eye .....


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 30, 2012
My 14 week old Silke cockerel has a swollen right eye. At first I though he may have gotten stung by an insect/bee, as there was swelling above the eye. This morning, there was discharge from the eye and the swelling was the same. I flushed his eye with saline, used veteracin and a topical antibiotic ophthalmic ointment (non-steroidal). The discharge has decreased, but the swelling remains. I have quarantined him from the rest of my flock as I am afraid it may be more serious. I did observe this evening that he is a little lethargic (not sure if this is because he has been separated from the rest). I posted pictures of both eyes for comparison. Any thoughts???

He has been eating and drinking. I am just worried it may be respiratory. No sneezing, but did see droplets around the beak area and some funny sounds.


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