Silkies and Seramas?

Are you keeping plants in the greenhouse during the winter ? Mine still has to much humidity even in the winter(I am in the south so that maybe the reason) to keep chicken in there , but unless air is dry I would not put birds in a greenhouse....IMO
If you had two vents on each side and fans, you could do it, depending on your climate and sun exposure. Auto vents are most useful for when you are not home. I'd suggest access to a shaded pen in summer to get away from the heat of the day. I ran a set up like that with doves but I had to shade part of the greenhouse in summer and use blowers if the humidity got too high. In Virginia that might not be too bad, as it would be further south. You can always tarp or vine over parts of it if it gets too hot and too humid.

If you provide them some of their own plantings they don't try as hard to take out the plants higher up. I just rotate pots into their enclosure and out when they're stripped. Works for the parrots I have as well. Silkies wouldn't get as high, Seramas fly well and LOVE to get up high. Some plants tolerate attention from smaller chickens, some don't. Don't put anything in a greenhouse that is toxic, that includes most house plants, be careful. Many of the plants people use for flighted parrot enclosures work well with chickens. Many roses, tall grasses, many bamboos, several vines all do well once established.

It's best in a greenhouse set up to find a way to provide running water, cool water, always fresh, helps a great deal.
I have both Seramas and Silkies
Check out my BYC page for pictures.

I would suggest just building a little coop instead of using the greenhouse unless you use the frame and put wire around (already suggested by High Roost Ranch).

Seramas and Silkies are both pretty friendly but like every breed, there are exceptions. They should get along pretty well and yes the serama rooster could probably breed with a silkie hen. You should feed them Starter Grower til they lay eggs and then switch to layer crumbles or pellets. They dont do well with just grass.

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