Silkies- Defining Gender at a Young Age? Is it Impossible? *pics*


THE Delaware Blue Hen
12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Home Of The Delaware Blue Hen
I have 4 little silkies, 3 splash, 1 white, all are going to be 6 weeks old this coming weekend. I am noticing that 2 of them have more narrow combs than the other 2, could this mean boys vs. girls? Girls having the more narrow? Or is it just normal to have different sizes no matter what the gender.

Less narrow baby

You can kind of see , on the right more narrow comb

I have a showgirl that I picked out myself as a chick. Her top feathers pointed more to the front and the others pointed back with the combs showing. I know it was just a guess but it worked for me. She's a hen. There's pictures of her as a chick and grown up too on my byc page.
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The choices are : either it's a boy or a girl.....LOL

It is impossible to tell. I have some that are 4 months old that I am still guessing!!!! I have another one that is 5 months old. After months of wishful thinking that it was a girl, alas, he crowed yesterday!!!
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Wow, big guess going as at this age I really need to handle them and watch them in the pen.

Top pic~LT Boy, looks to be a girl going up the rock in middle.
Middle pic~LT Boy, middle white girl, 50/50 on the right (girl who will have nicer crest maybe?)
Bottom Pic~ Boy

But all are very cute!

Depends on the lines. I have some that I can tell asap, but then there are others. I had a beautiful black cock that won alot until She was 10 months old.
That one is the sweetest one in there! As soon as you open the front, he comes right over to see me and loves to be held! The one on the first picture is the same one on the left in the second picture, the pictures were taken about a week apart. He has the best foot feathering out of everyone in there!

It doesn't matter either way which is what, but I was starting to notice certain differences and am very curious!

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