Silkies feathers hanging over their eyes.


8 Years
Nov 3, 2011
Im curious as I only have 3 silkies but has anyone ever trimmed the feathers around their eyes so they can see better or is this a no no to do? If its a no no why is it not okay to do?
I was wondering if it was okay to do this when they get older and the feathers grow over their eyes.
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I am thinking about doing this when their feathers grow over their eyes so they can see better. I dont mind having silkies with no feathers around their eyes and I would like ot see their eyes anyways!
No problem!
Yeah, it's kind of sad when they can't see. My Sonny's life was pretty rough before I decided to start trimming his feathers around his eyes consistently. He almost got killed. He's actually traumatized now and I have to keep him in his own cage away from the rest of the flock who free-ranges or he jumps the fence and hides. Poor guy.
Ahhhh, your a good owner to him!
Well I only have 3 silkies and theyve all been together but would like them to see better when I put them outside in their coop. Right now their only about 6 weeks old.
There is so much to know and learn and it seems just when I am okay and have all my questions answered then another one pops up and its like the song that never ends learning about how to care for them, what to feed them, how to make sure their comfy in their living space. Im hoping someday I can just relax and have all the info there is to know and not think anymore about questions!
And here I thought before getting them it was a peice of cake but its more like the whole bakery store full of dozens of cakes!
Oh, thank you.
You're clearly a good owner to your babies, too. Yes, it's a perpetual learning curve. I'm finding myself able to answer more questions than I used to, and yet it seems I have just as many new questions now as I did back when I knew nothing. How does that work?
Hi there, it's good to see other people treating there chickens so well. I was hoping you could possibly help me with something. I have a cripple silkie who is 11 months old and she seems to be having a problem opening her eyes and her sense of smell I think might not be so good either. I have her on antibiotics from the vet but it doesn't seem to be helping at all. I have her in a cage in the house now so I can feed and give her water as she can't seem to find her water or food bowl even when it's right in front of her. If you can offer any advice I would be most grateful. Many thanks.

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