Silkies Of A Different Color

thought i would share some of my odd ball silkies in the grow out pen

frizzled crele silkie (colored cuckoo)

red pyle (hopefully pullet) start of a new project :)

blue salmon (at least first step to salmon, the boys are lacking silver in their neck)

not sure what this is thinking she/he's also possibly wheaten or salmon based??

this one i'm almost positive is out of my gold lace project, thinking its a boy but NO PARTRIDGE MARKINGS!! lol :) he has red in his tail too.

this one i was really crossing my fingers would be blue cream cuckoo (lavender based) but might also be from the same pen as my salmon project birds. i do have a crele rooster that is split to lavender with my blue cream hens but i didn't mark the eggs. so it could have hatched from any pen :(
she/he had what looked like clear stripes as a younger chick. but not looking striped anymore.
if i had to take a guess with out seeing them in person i would guess white with silver or gold bases showing throw. or dilute splash with a bit of autosomal red showing.
very pretty but unlikely porcelain ( blue cream) like funky said above lavender is recessive and both parents have to either be lavender or split to lavender. but if both of your blue partridge parents carry for lavender there for it IS possible of blue cream, just a bit unlikely is all. you could always try a test breeding to see what genes they carry, if its important to you?
They are gorgeous!!! what ever the color :)
They definitely are not white! Their base color is a light blue similar to lavender (I have lavender Ameraucanas). But yes, they are not "true" porcelain as they come from blue breeding.
They definitely are not white! Their base color is a light blue similar to lavender (I have lavender Ameraucanas). But yes, they are not "true" porcelain as they come from blue breeding.
so maybe a dilute splash then?
here's a picture of some of my silver based white from a sizzle project, i've had some whites that where quite a bit darker gray than this one, darker than my self blue (lavender) chicks even!
but if you have enough blue birds, splash is very much a possibility too :)
what every they are they are genetically they are very pretty Caitlin.

so maybe a dilute splash then?
here's a picture of some of my silver based white from a sizzle project, i've had some whites that where quite a bit darker gray than this one, darker than my self blue (lavender) chicks even!
but if you have enough blue birds, splash is very much a possibility too :)
what every they are they are genetically they are very pretty Caitlin.

Thanks. When they hatched I thought they were "splash" partridge, as I all of my adult birds were blue partridge. I got to see some chicks I sold recently and all I can say is - wow, the color variety! Obviously not all "standard" colors, but the cockerels were very beautiful!
How would I go about breeding a richer color in my splash? I have a dilute hen in with a blue roo. She and chicks almost look a blue paint.

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Keep breeding to blue and be very selective with who you keep. Keep only those with heavy markings and breed them to blue. Eventually the heavy splashing will stick and you won't have to worry about them diluting as much.
Good luck!
very pretty blues, they should stay about that color, but i have had my blues get lighter or darker by a shade or two after their first molt, love the buff photo bombing too :) they could have even hatched out of lavender or porcelain (blue cream) eggs. but if someone has what they think is lavender or self blue cream in their porcelain or lavender pen. but since lavender is resistive they will go to what every other color lavender would have diluted in this case blue. i have seen a LOT of dilute splash that look very much identical to self blue (lavender). but sadly they do not breed the same so it can throw a monkey wrench in the breeding pen for sure! heres a picture of my blue cream pen, so far all the chicks have been blue cream hopefully it will stay that way..... and what i hope is a self blue (lavender) boy i will do a trail breeding to make sure he isn't dilute splash before i get him a pen of his own in spring.
Thank you for the input. I bought them from Bobbi. She said they were from her porcelain pen. If I were to show them, could I show them as porcelain? Or blue? Pickles has some lighter shading in his chin and neck, and Marbles has some faint tan tips on her body feathers.
Thank you for the input. I bought them from Bobbi. She said they were from her porcelain pen. If I were to show them, could I show them as porcelain? Or blue? Pickles has some lighter shading in his chin and neck, and Marbles has some faint tan tips on her body feathers.
do you have pictures of them? if they are from a porcelain pen they will be porcelain. but just like blue, porcelain can be on the dark side or light side. i think the goal color (even thought they are not a standard color) is 75% lavender to 25% buff.
so some of my free range flock birds hatched some chicks out early this summer. The colors are pretty crazy so i need some help figuring out what the colors are and if i should breed them in with my calico/ golden laced sizzle project. Since they came from my free range flock they want have as much type as my other birds.
This first one is a little cockerel. Im really hoping he will keep some of his white. Do you all think he will?

this next one is a young cockerel as well. I find his color very amusing. He started out white and as he grows he is producing more and more red feathers. And his feet feathers are amazing for what his parents are!

this next one is a little pullet. I believe she has partridge markings but she is more buff then normal partridge. Is she still a partridge?

this is her next to a buff for comparison.

okay and these are some of my birds that are already in my breeding project

Thanks in advance ~ jayland

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