Silkies or Frizzles.. Roo or Hens?


Nov 29, 2015
First time with this breed, put 11 under a Buff Orp and got 9 that hatched. They are 24-27 days today and can not tell if all Silkies or a Frizzle or two in there. Got the eggs from a friend. She isn't sure which they came from. Also I am reading they are hard to sex and usually just have to wait for the ol apparent signs.. any help is appreciated. Keeping 3 and giving the rest away. Do not want any rosters

We are also curious why the feathers are different on them. Some smooth and others are stringy. ??






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Not seeing any frizzle but, lots of feathered feet - they are adorable chicks. If you would post new photos at 8 weeks of age, may be able to see some gender hints. Silkies can't be feather sexed and who knows what the other parent was. I notice quite a size difference, did all the eggs come from same mom and dad?
Yeah they are 2 days worth of eggs and hatched from Thursday morning until the last on Sunday.

Pretty sure they are all the same mom but not 100%

Im giving 3 away in a day or so and will raise the rest until several months old and give a few to other friend. So at this point we are giving away the colors and nothing more. We have no idea which color they will end up being yet I guess?
Editing this. Can't be from same mom but possibly same dad. Heck I don't know! lol
I have an EE/silkie mix with smooth feathers like that. My guess would be that mom wasn't a silkie...Was the roo the Silkie and the hens assorted mix of Cochin and silkie?
Well there's also the possibility of Cochin or even Polish being in the genetics of a line of "frizzles". The frizzle gene isn't completely dominant, so sometimes you'll get some with too much frizzle that look like they're covered in pipe cleaners, and sometimes they just look like regular feathers. I think I read somewhere that the trye frizzle gene only represents 50% of the time, or something like that... I'll have to Google that ;)

* ah, yes, here's a thread on it...
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