

In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 3, 2011
Does it matter which bloodline of silkies u have or do all silkie lines go broody...I need lots of hens laying but my bantam hens are not sitting ? I know easiest solution is to incubate but I would like to have a very broody hen sit over them.
Patience. They will only go broody when you have purchased the incubator.
My silkies only go broody if they laid an egg first, but they will roll all eggs placed near them under too. And boy do they squawk when you take them away! Once the eggs are removed they join the rest of the flock again.
I have an assortment of silkies from many different breeders. Trust me they ALL go broody at some point. The only silkie I have that doesn't is a pretty little hen I bought from an auction last year. I have no idea what happened to her before I got her but she doesn't lay eggs and she seems a little brain damaged.
Silkies all go "broody" then they do hatch. Great mothers. We are expecting MORE.

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