Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

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This satin booger came from a bantam red cochin hen daughter x silkie and Lil Boy Blue, a son of Shadow Captain (calico splash silkie) x Poof Poof (Black silkie hen)

While the girls are mostly white with little splashes of blue and red. This whole group is by the same hen and roo.
So like they say, Life is like a box of chocolate...........
Thank you @CSolis and @Hinotori. I'll try cleaning them tomorrow. Is it common for that to happen? Any way to avoid it in future hatches?

It's mostly a bird thing. Some don't preen as well or get help for their head. Some just get overwhelmed. They may not even need help with the next feathers to come in.

Mom has to help her parrot with her head and neck because she only has the one now. The parroletts she had before groomed each other.

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