Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

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    Votes: 97 11.7%

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Final thoughts, my Silkies want to free range and keeping them in a 350m2 enclosure is inhumane if you ask the birds. I have to let them out to roam. They do well at it keeping close to walls and fence structures. I just do not trust them to do it well like the other breeds we keep, that is why we shave their heads as best we can.
I took some photos of the chooks today:
(I know this is a silkie thread but I can’t help myself)


He also has a beautiful face for sure. Still I'd shave that as we have raptors from the upper 48 here all winter, sure that is my issue. Thank you for the photo share.

I have to re-shave my silkie heads again this week due to the inbound raptors. That is the major thing I do not like living where I live outside of the scorpions. The 8 additional species of hawks that migrate down here for winter are a concern. The Harris hawks are the most worrisome when you see them paired up and hunting over your property. We do keep the wild bird feeders full to serve as a distraction during the season.

I hope my Silkies do well with the raptor threat this year as this will be our first "winter" with Silkies. The Sumatra are bulletproof and the feral hen as well I just worry about these guys.
His crest doesn't trouble his vision. This guy, I have to trim again.

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