Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

  • ME! - I like silkies!

    Votes: 797 96.0%
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    Votes: 97 11.7%

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Im guessing partridge...
I'm leaning that way at the moment. It's back is taking the longest to dry and fluff up. I need to see if there is chipmunk stripes or not. She already has attitude hours old. Every time I peak in at her she sticks her beak up in the air and gives me a "what are you looking at?' look.
Help, how to stop others pecking bloody toe? They near pecked it's toe off! I tried cornflour and bandage but chick keeps trying to peck bandage off!
You might have to separate it and get a warm paper towel and just blot and hold it there until it stops. I'm not sure if it's safe for chickens but you might want to put some antibiotic ointment on it.
It's stopped bleeding but slight bit of blood showing enough for them to go wild crazy attacking so I need to cover the toe
It's stopped bleeding but slight bit of blood showing enough for them to go wild crazy attacking so I need to cover the toe
Do you have blue kote? Or something similar? It covers the blood with a blue antiseptic so that the others don't see red and peck.

*edit* i know you're not in the u.s., but can you see if you have a feed or farm store that carries something similar? It's used on many animals.
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