Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

  • ME! - I like silkies!

    Votes: 797 96.0%
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    Votes: 97 11.7%

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I like Broly's crest but I hate his comb. Too red and isn't good walnut shape. So he has hens from better comb genetics.

He's pretty decent body shape. Bit too big for standard.

He's molting in this picture so please ignore feather quality.
Poof Poof the hatcher of the second batch of F2's had two hatches of her own eggs earlier.. Now 24 and 13 weeks old. I so am in love with this little pullet from the first hatch. She has a blue sister that is equally equally fuzzy.View attachment 3330454View attachment 3330456
A couple of pullets and one cockerel from the second hatch.. A blue boy, finally. First hatch all the boys were typical blue spashes.View attachment 3330457View attachment 3330458View attachment 3330461
From the top down you can see the white and black splashes in their coats.View attachment 3330468
I'd give just about anything to be able to keep a few Silkies. But with having had Marek's in my flock on top of having these really annoying OEGBs and Fayoumis that like to peck one another on the heads probably isn't in the bird's best interest.

So I'll live vicariously through you all.

@CSolis, what color is your breeding pair, I forget.

As far as OEGBs are concerned my Silver Duck Wing boys have decided that since their pretty new tail feathers have come in, they would tear off each others. I have about 6 with no tails. Goofy looking little twerps. Told them tonight that they had just better think about growing in new ones because I couldn't take looking at them like that for a whole year. Funny thing is, only the older roos did it to one another. The younger birds are gorgeous with their new feathers.
The pure silkie pair are Calico Splash (roo) and Black female.. My Silkie cross project started with Gen Lee, Partridge Silkie, Turtle Dove (half EE) who is Buff and Blue, Then their daughter Puff Meister a Black capped partridge of sorts, and Cheyenne a cochin daughter with interesting feather details.
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May I get some opinions on this cockerel?
Hatched July 22nd this year.
Sell? Keep? Eat? Give away?
He has some light grey feathers here and there, but not many. What causes that?
His mom is solid black.
His dad is partridge w/silver? I guess?
If I keep him, he needs a name..

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almost all of my (black) silkies have some silver as well. I gave 6 eggs to a friend of mine and she has just hatched 5. 4 black and 1 silver chipmunk.
I have Buttons seperated but she won't eat or drink 😟 I forced her beak tip into bowl to get her to have a drop of vitamin water but she just refuses. I don't know what's going on with her 😟 Something must have happened to her while out foraging, maybe it was both roos trying to jump on her and she got injured 🤔
I have plenty of hens to roosters, 16 hens and 3 boys (excl chicks). Often I find the hens hiding in the coop so maybe the 2 young boys keep chasing them and stressing them out. I know if I seperate a boy now they won't integrate back into the flock without major fighting which is not something I want.

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