
I got them Friday and was told the white one should be laying fertile eggs for 10 days. Today is Sunday and I haven’t gotten any eggs from either hens. Is it normal that she hasn’t laid any yet? They have a coop with 2 nesting boxes, food and water and a roost. Maybe she’s not comfortable? She been eating, drinking and grazing on grass and bugs since I got her. Even almost comes up to me when I go out to the run and talk to them. I forgot to ask if the grey is laying, because my boyfriend has always told me no to roosters and they would only be sold as a pair. I was just so excited when he told me to go ahead and get the pair I didn’t ask any questions about them🤦🏻‍♀️.
I have the 2 silkie hens and roo in a separate run area and coop from my other chickens. Will I be able to just leave her in her coop on her nest with the other hen and roo?
Yes, Silkies are usually great mothers and mother should protect her chicks from the other hen no problem and rooster usually doesn't bother chicks. .. Just collect eggs daily (just keep on your bench and turn daily) and when one goes broody set how many you want (probably up to 8 eggs for normal size Silkie) pick the freshest ones you have and make sure you mark the eggs so if your other hen lays in her nest you can take those fresh ones away don't want a staggered hatch.
I got them Friday and was told the white one should be laying fertile eggs for 10 days. Today is Sunday and I haven’t gotten any eggs from either hens. Is it normal that she hasn’t laid any yet? They have a coop with 2 nesting boxes, food and water and a roost. Maybe she’s not comfortable? She been eating, drinking and grazing on grass and bugs since I got her. Even almost comes up to me when I go out to the run and talk to them. I forgot to ask if the grey is laying, because my boyfriend has always told me no to roosters and they would only be sold as a pair. I was just so excited when he told me to go ahead and get the pair I didn’t ask any questions about them🤦🏻‍♀️.
Can take a while for chickens to settle in a new place/coop, give it time.
Yes, Silkies are usually great mothers and mother should protect her chicks from the other hen no problem and rooster usually doesn't bother chicks. .. Just collect eggs daily (just keep on your bench and turn daily) and when one goes broody set how many you want (probably up to 8 eggs for normal size Silkie) pick the freshest ones you have and make sure you mark the eggs so if your other hen lays in her nest you can take those fresh ones away don't want a staggered hatch.
So she won’t go broody after laying the first egg?
you can't predict when a hen will go broody (hormonal surge which compels them to sit on and hatch eggs). You can encourage it to happen by putting fake eggs/golf balls in the nest and leaving them there. She will think they are a clutch of eggs waiting to be brooded. But don't expect this straight away. It could take weeks or months. Silkies are notoriously broody though, so you may not have to wait too long. But first I think they will need to settle in to their new home. It's a big change for them.

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