

Thanks HopKat for my PFM ♥
Feb 22, 2022
Berkshire, England

Do you have more detailed information on sexing silkies, with more references to their age? My silkies are currently 9 weeks old, are they too young?

I find conflicting information on how silkies sleep overnight, some say they roost and some say they sleep in a group on the floor. Please could you provide an answer?

Many thanks bot!
For breeding silkies what is the best ratio for rooster to hens?
When breeding Silkies, the ideal ratio of roosters to hens is generally 1:8 or 1:10. This helps to ensure that each hen is not over-mated or harassed by too many roosters. Additionally, a lower male-to-female ratio may result in the hens laying more eggs and reduce the likelihood of aggression or fighting between the roosters. However, the specific ratio may depend on factors such as the size and layout of your breeding flock, so it is always a good idea to monitor the behavior of your birds and make adjustments as necessary.

Do you have more detailed information on sexing silkies, with more references to their age? My silkies are currently 9 weeks old, are they too young?

I find conflicting information on how silkies sleep overnight, some say they roost and some say they sleep in a group on the floor. Please could you provide an answer?

Many thanks bot!
Hello there!

Regarding sexing silkies, it can be more challenging than other breeds since they don't show visible signs of gender until they're older. You can try looking at their comb and wattle development, as roosters tend to have larger and more prominent combs and wattles than females. However, this can be unreliable until about 4 months of age.

When it comes to sexing silkies, you may want to wait a bit longer than 9 weeks to get more definitive results. Around 4-5 months of age is when most chickens start to show their gender characteristics more clearly.

As for their sleeping habits, silkies tend to prefer sleeping on the ground rather than on roosts. This is because their feathers aren't as water-resistant as other breeds, and sleeping on the ground helps to keep them dry in case of rain or moisture. However, some silkies may still prefer to roost once they're older and more comfortable with their surroundings.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thank you for your information!

Out of curiosity, how do you keep humidity down in a metal coop?
To keep humidity down in a metal coop, there are a few things you can do:

1. Ventilation: Installing proper ventilation in the coop is crucial. You can add windows, vents or install a fan to allow air circulation and reduce humidity levels. If you're concerned about drafts in the winter, you can add removable covers to the vents to control air movement during cold months.

2. Bedding: Using a moisture-absorbing bedding like pine shavings or straw can help keep humidity levels low. Be sure to keep the bedding dry and clean to prevent the buildup of moisture.

3. Water Management: Make sure that the water sources, such as waterers, are placed away from the coop walls to prevent water from spilling on the floor. You can also use a water container with a spill-proof design or use drip cups to prevent spills or leaks.

4. Dehumidifiers: If the humidity levels in the coop remain high, you can use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels.

5. Shade: If possible, locate the metal coop in a shaded area to reduce heat and humidity levels.

By implementing these methods, you can effectively control humidity levels in your metal coop, which will help create a healthier and more comfortable environment for your chickens.
What's the best flooring for coturnix quail?
When it comes to the best flooring for Coturnix quail, there are a few options to consider, such as:

1. Wire mesh flooring: Wire mesh flooring, which is commonly used for broiler chicken production, is a good choice for Coturnix quail, as it helps to prevent the buildup of waste and moisture, and ensures that their feet are clean and dry. However, it should be noted that birds on wire flooring may experience footpad injuries over time, which is why it's important to use a wire mesh flooring that is correctly sized (no larger than 1/2 inch) and positioned at a slight angle to prevent birds from standing on the wire all the time.

2. Plastic or PVC coated mesh flooring: A sheet of plastic or PVC coated mesh flooring may be easier to clean and more comfortable for the quail to stand on than wire mesh flooring. It also provides good drainage, which helps to prevent the buildup of moisture in the coop.

3. Concrete flooring: A solid concrete floor is also a great option for Coturnix quail since it's easy to clean, durable, and prevents predators from digging underneath the coop. However, it's essential to provide extra litter or bedding material to prevent foot and leg problems.

Ultimately, the type of flooring that you choose for your Coturnix quail depends on your personal preference, budget, and maintenance requirements. It's important to keep the flooring clean, dry, and free from any sharp edges that could cause foot or leg injuries.
@TudyBOT is dry hatching superior?
Dry hatching or "no-candling" is one of the two methods for incubating chicken eggs. The other is wet hatching or "candling," where you use a bright light to check the development of the embryo and adjust the temperature and humidity accordingly.

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best method depends on your personal preference and the resources you have available.

One advantage of dry hatching is that it reduces the risk of contamination, as you don't have to open the incubator to check the eggs, which could introduce bacteria or create changes in the temperature or humidity. Dry hatching also allows for a slower and more natural development of the embryo, which can lead to healthier chicks.

However, dry hatching has a higher risk of failure due to the lack of control over the environment. You may need to adjust humidity levels more frequently during the incubation period to ensure proper growth and development of the embryo. Additionally, it can be challenging to determine the fertility of the eggs or if the embryos are developing correctly without candling.

Overall, whether or not dry hatching is superior depends on your experience level and personal preference. Both methods can be successful in hatching healthy chicks. It's essential to monitor the incubation process closely and make adjustments as needed to ensure the best chance of success.

At what age are silkies fully grown?

What fruits or vegetables can I not feed to my chickens, quail and budgies?

Are there any wild UK plants/leaves which chickens, quail and budgies particularly enjoy?

How do you correctly pick up a chicken without stressing it out?

How do you know if your budgies are compatible and will breed?

When do you know that budgies are ready to breed?
At what age are silkies fully grown?

Silkies are considered mature at approximately five months of age, but it can take up to eight months for them to reach their full size and weight.

What fruits or vegetables can I not feed to my chickens, quail, and budgies?

Generally, you should avoid feeding avocado, chocolate, caffeine or alcohol to your birds as they can be toxic. Some other foods to avoid include raw beans, apple seeds, and rhubarb. Additionally, any spoiled or moldy food should not be given to your birds.

Are there any wild UK plants/leaves which chickens, quail, and budgies particularly enjoy?

Nettle leaves, dandelions, chickweed, and clover are some wild UK plants that chickens, quail, and budgies often enjoy. However, it is important to ensure that any plants fed to your birds are safe to consume and have not been exposed to pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

How do you correctly pick up a chicken without stressing it out?

To pick up a chicken without stressing it out, approach slowly and calmly from the side, rather than directly from above. Place one hand under the bird's breast and the other under the bird's hindquarters. Lift the bird carefully and hold it close to your body to help it feel secure. It is essential to avoid jerky movements or rough handling that can cause your bird distress or injury.

How do you know if your budgies are compatible and will breed?

Compatible budgies may exhibit territorial and courtship behavior, such as singing more often, preening, and feeding each other. They may also spend more time together and may gently nibble at each other's beaks or heads. However, the only definitive way to confirm whether two budgies are compatible is to observe a successful mating between them.

When do you know that budgies are ready to breed?

Budgies typically reach breeding age between eight and twelve months old. To determine if budgies are ready to breed, observe their behavior. Males may become more territorial and may become more aggressive towards other males. Females may lay eggs on the bottom of the cage or show nesting behaviors by gathering twigs, paper, or other materials in preparation for egg-laying. Additionally, budgies may become more vocal and may exhibit courtship behaviors such as head bobbing and regurgitating food. It is essential to have a suitable breeding area prepared, and ensure that the conditions, nutrition and health of the birds are suitable for breeding.

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