silky not eating. help


Aug 26, 2020
south central PA
I have a 6 chicken silky flock . I put a 10 week old and a 6 week old in the run with them. I sectioned the newcomers off for about 4 days. bringing them in at night. I removed the fencing thinking it was time to integrate fully. The 10 week old is being bullied and the 6 week old is doing great. The 10 week old is not eating. Her crop is totally empty. She has access to her own waterer and food. She is getting thin and bony. She will not eat or drink anything i offer her from my hand. I am afraid she will die. Maybe i should bring her inside so she is at ease.
Is she hunched up or puffed up and lethargic? What do her poops look like? Will she drink if you dip her beak? I would try some wet chicken feed plus water to make a warm mash. Add just a little egg to it and offer it. If you think she possibly is getting coccidiosis, try Corid.
Is she hunched up or puffed up and lethargic? What do her poops look like? Will she drink if you dip her beak? I would try some wet chicken feed plus water to make a warm mash. Add just a little egg to it and offer it. If you think she possibly is getting coccidiosis, try Corid.
She is puffed up. just stands there. I dont suspect coccidiosis. but i can give corid just in case. I havent seen her poop.
I have put water on her beak but she doesnt even open her mouth.
I will try some wet food but like i said she is not taking anything.
If you mix the Corid, she has to drink it to get the benefit. Corid dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallin of water for 5-7 days. Have you ever tube fed a chicken? First I would work on getting her take it herself. Try her separated maybe with the 6 week old to see if that helps. But she needs to remain as part of the flock as much as possible. Here is a thread about tube feeding with videos:
Her neck seems to have a very pronounced "s" curve. I felt hers then another's neck. She doesnt straighten her neck up at all. No reaching out for food etc. The pic shows how she looks slouched. maybe thats why shes not eating much. I dont know. I gave her mash, tried to feed her scrambled eggs. she went over to it but didnt reach out to take any. Didnt take it from my hand either. I put corid in the water. I tried to give her some but she wont drink. She has no jerky movements. I thought about wry neck. I trimmed the fuzz away from her eyes so she could see better. I will keep trying.


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It looks like she has wry neck (torticolis,) a neurological symptom. It can occur because of a head injury, a vitamin E deficiency, and is seen in certain diseases including Mareks. Silkies tend to be prone to it. I would get some human vitamin E 400 IU softgels, and give her one into her beak every day. B complex tablets 1/4 tablet daily and a little scrambled egg for selenium offered daily may help. Keep her separated if others are picking on her. Making a mash of wet chicken feed and a little cooked egg, and holding her to eat, can get food and water into her. Here is a good video showing how to feed a chicken with wry neck:

I just tried yolk with vitamin E. I put a dab on the end of her beak. she wont eat it or ever open her beak. She is so bony. no fat. i fear she wont make it if i cant get her to eat.

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