Silly brave little hen

Foster's Freehold

8 Years
Jun 7, 2013
South Central KY
So, y'all have heard about the little hen that isn't afraid of the big birds. And how she is the first out and about all the time. How she gets all up in the big birds feed. There's a new one today.

I left a small gap in their crates so they can come and go in the run as they please. Mostly, they stay in the coop but wander around the doorway with brave little hen being the one leading the way. I feed FF, taking an ice cream bucket of grown up and a bucket of bittie food every mid morning, emptying the feed into their dishes and if there is anything left in the bucket, leave it for the big birds to clean up.

Just went out there for early afternoon check, counted the chickens, all big birds accounted for, bo bitties are good, but little brave hen is missing. Oh heck!! Where is she? The dogs are in the house, so they didn't get her. I looked under and around all the paraphernalia in the coop and run. Not sure if she were to be attacked by a big bird, if she couldn't squeeze through the chain link and out of the run, so I start looking around the run, calling "chickie,chickie,chickie" which is the treat call.

I stop and listen a minute. Big birds are quietly scratching or dusting or resting in the shade. 5 bitties in the crates are doing their little chirp. But, faintly, I hear the "trouble" chirp. Not outside the run, thank goodness. So I go into the run and listen again. Another faint "trouble" chirp. And I notice one of the ice cream buckets, upside down, wiggling.

Yep, the little brave hen has become the silly brave hen. Somehow, either the wind caught the bucket and dumped it upside down on her, or she was trying to nose under it because she's looking for grown up food. I do not believe one of the big birds stuck it over her as a gag. But however it happened, there she was, under the bucket, bit of grown up food all over her lol.

Now you see why I say a flock of chickies is just as good as a psychiatrist. I laughed so hard for a good 10 mins.
I have read posts about people finding a dead chicken under a bucket, so it's good you found her. I think chickens try to hop up on the lip of the bucket and it turns over on them. I always store my buckets so it can't happen.
I have read posts about people finding a dead chicken under a bucket, so it's good you found her. I think chickens try to hop up on the lip of the bucket and it turns over on them. I always store my buckets so it can't happen.

I don't leave them out there long, just for cleanup. They come back to the house as it's still kinda cool to make FF outside. I let it do it's thing on the back porch, then transport in the ice cream buckets.

Heck, if I left anything out there upright, it would be full of rain water in a minute or two. We've had rain nearly every day this month, maybe two or three really good spring days. But, I'm sure we will be praying for rain come July, we always are lol.

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