Silly girls! And on the coldest night of the year so far . . .


Apr 1, 2022
So it’s going to be literally the coldest night of the year here so far with lows around -15.

We always do a head count each night in the coop just in case.

Daughter comes in the house to say more than half the birds are still in the run and door is closed for the night. What???

Every night for 2 months they all tuck themselves in. I was out there earlier as they were aLL starting to file in for the night to pick their spot. Well I guess not all!

Our only real solution is to carry them way around to the front of the shed into the barn where their coop is and do it that way. With the temps I didn’t want to reprogram the auto door or mess with it in any way. Nope. Besides we have to shove them into a long dark tunnel it doesn’t go well in the dark.

We got 10 inches of snow in addition to the 10 already on the ground, so very thankful that my husband spent 3 hours outside plowing our paths all around.

So at -7 we bundled up ourselves and took them one by one, then 2 by 2 in arms and carried them around and popped them in.

The run was at 5 degrees when we went in. They were sitting on the roost bars in 2 groups of 6 all tight and in formation.I left roost racks in from summer but never thought it would be an issue. obviously they roost and walk on them all the time during the day hours.

So interesting they would pick tonight to try to sleep out. Literally no wind or breeze but still.

Right now it’s 30 in boxes, 16 in coop and -3 in the run. It’s -12 outside. The coop did raise up 2 degrees within minutes of the birds being added so that was interesting.

They keep us on our toes!

Watching the local bird threads on my FB roll past with so many people freaking out about the temps and their birds. So many are yelling no heat others are selling heat lamps. Wow it’s like chicken 1984!

One lady brought hers into the dining room. Yikes! You would think it would be harder for them to readjust to the freezing cold again after warming up to 70. Is that a real thing?

Anyway thanks for reading our silly winter story.
So it’s going to be literally the coldest night of the year here so far with lows around -15.

We always do a head count each night in the coop just in case.

Daughter comes in the house to say more than half the birds are still in the run and door is closed for the night. What???

Every night for 2 months they all tuck themselves in. I was out there earlier as they were aLL starting to file in for the night to pick their spot. Well I guess not all!

Our only real solution is to carry them way around to the front of the shed into the barn where their coop is and do it that way. With the temps I didn’t want to reprogram the auto door or mess with it in any way. Nope. Besides we have to shove them into a long dark tunnel it doesn’t go well in the dark.

We got 10 inches of snow in addition to the 10 already on the ground, so very thankful that my husband spent 3 hours outside plowing our paths all around.

So at -7 we bundled up ourselves and took them one by one, then 2 by 2 in arms and carried them around and popped them in.

The run was at 5 degrees when we went in. They were sitting on the roost bars in 2 groups of 6 all tight and in formation.I left roost racks in from summer but never thought it would be an issue. obviously they roost and walk on them all the time during the day hours.

So interesting they would pick tonight to try to sleep out. Literally no wind or breeze but still.

Right now it’s 30 in boxes, 16 in coop and -3 in the run. It’s -12 outside. The coop did raise up 2 degrees within minutes of the birds being added so that was interesting.

They keep us on our toes!

Watching the local bird threads on my FB roll past with so many people freaking out about the temps and their birds. So many are yelling no heat others are selling heat lamps. Wow it’s like chicken 1984!

One lady brought hers into the dining room. Yikes! You would think it would be harder for them to readjust to the freezing cold again after warming up to 70. Is that a real thing?

Anyway thanks for reading our silly winter story.
I get a lot colder then that
We got -48C this week
My ducks won’t even step outside their coop at -30 or cooler
So I had to bring feed abc water in for them but this caused me frost issues on floor and half way up the wall
At that point I made the choice to bring mine in the house. Before we built the bigger duck house they had their own bedroom in my basement
Started with 2 ducks and grew to 16 ( yikes lol. )
Luckily we are going to be around + 3 in the next few days and I can get them back outside
We are going to make some changes and add a covered outdoor area that will keep winds and snow away so they can come eat and drink outside
I do run a small heater just to
take the edge off at -25 or cooler. It was fine having water inside at -30 but once -48 hit it all went wrong
This is our first winter outside so a big learning curve for us
Glad you got your babies inside their coop so they stay warm
I’m glad you got them in. Chickens really can be silly and keep you on your toes for sure. You’re fortunate to not have the wind. It started blowing here an hour ago and I’m up at 3am because there is no way I’m going to be able to sleep with this noise.

I’m thinking I’ll put the water and food in the coop today so I can keep the pop door shut too.

Definitely a fierce debate to heat or not to heat all around. I like keeping a heat panel on so they can get near it if they have to. I’m keeping an eye on them with a coop Wyze camera. I would bring them in if I had to. I have some other options though before I have to resort to that.
I’m glad you got them in. Chickens really can be silly and keep you on your toes for sure. You’re fortunate to not have the wind. It started blowing here an hour ago and I’m up at 3am because there is no way I’m going to be able to sleep with this noise.

I’m thinking I’ll put the water and food in the coop today so I can keep the pop door shut too.

Definitely a fierce debate to heat or not to heat all around. I like keeping a heat panel on so they can get near it if they have to. I’m keeping an eye on them with a coop Wyze camera. I would bring them in if I had to. I have some other options though before I have to resort to that.
Wow that’s terrible your wind keeps you awake!

Wind has now arrived for 2 days they say with gusts up to 60mph. Run is wrapped up tight with it vented And open above where the roof was put on, so very Still inside thank goodness!!!
Wow that’s terrible your wind keeps you awake!

Wind has now arrived for 2 days they say with gusts up to 60mph. Run is wrapped up tight with it vented And open above where the roof was put on, so very Still inside thank goodness!!!
The still air makes all the difference, especially today. I thought I did a great job building my coop but today I learned every little place where I went wrong.

Most of all that not all T111 will do. :rolleyes: I should have went with 5/8”. I had to put a tarp across the side of the coop the wind is hitting and that helped a lot.

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