silly question... hatching an egg "on-human"?

he he this made me laugh out loud

That thread was hilarious, wonder if it is still available? Several people tried it, only one (I believe teenage girl) made it to the end. The stories of them trying to sleep and do daily routines was a riot. I think it got called something like the brarator.
That thread was hilarious, wonder if it is still available? Several people tried it, only one (I believe teenage girl) made it to the end. The stories of them trying to sleep and do daily routines was a riot. I think it got called something like the brarator.

If I remember correctly, I believe the chick didn't hatch, but came close enough to the point that it was peeping in the shell.
I can't find the original thread but did find a recap by shabby-rose when the subject came up again.

" I sent an email to Loudie Da that hatched chicks in her bra and she did 4 in total, she did in fact have a chic that lived until it was 4 weeks old but it was killed by older chicks....she had problems with the others but she has proven it does work.
Im sure all of you that have been with the board for a few years would remember her daily diary type posts about ther Bra eggs, they were called Boo & Bee...
I cant beleive that a lot of you seem to think that its a joke, but she is big busted and she tucks the egg under one of her breasts, its cant be seen....she is doing her final year at high school and no one at school knows it here, so its well hidden and its only a banty egg so its small

Last edited by shabby-rose (03/26/2007 5:36 pm)"

Loudie Da was the young lady that hatched the ones that I remember.

This was done on the other byc yuku board a few years ago ...we laugh ourselves silly with daily updates!!...I'll see if the threads are still over there somewhere...may have lost them when it switched from ez-board to yuku tho...
It was Loddie Da on ezbyc. I've been looking around on yuku, but it may have been lost in the transition from ez to yuku.
I can't find it either Julie...Counselor5 was the guy that tried it

I know all the oldies from EZboard remember it well....
Terrilacy, Speckledhen, Jody, Spotted, dlhunicorn to name a few....
I hope one of the two of you find it...I have never laughed so hard in all my life. I can still remember one woman that was trying it and her goats jumped up and totaled all her eggs. Seems though there was one guy too.

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