Silly swimming chickens...I mean "ducks"....I mean chickens!!

i fill up an old kitty-litter box with cool water in it and then one by one plop each chickens down in the works.... sometimes. anyway it's there if they want it
My chickens jumped in our pond once(dog after them) and swam to the other side.We have a 1/2 acre pond,so they had quite a swim.People didn't believe me when I said chickens can swim .Glad you posted pics.You should enter those photos in a contest......
I love it, Thanks for sharing:) I have put my Dora in kiddy pool before but never thought of the big pool........
Yes they do!!! Just last week, I had one of my favorite bantam white rocks, Rose do this. I was probably 5 minutes to late. When I walked into the kitchen, I noticed that the pool had been disturbed, and saw my little girl, face down, floating in the pool!! Let me tell you, I was devastated.
She always had a thing with floating things in the pool. Everyone, please be careful of your birds around water, they CAN'T swim! Although the pictures are adorable, I'm glad they had people there holding them. Like its always said, "Don't do this at home"

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