Silly swimming chickens...I mean "ducks"....I mean chickens!!

My silkies hate being wet and I don't blame them...everyone else might enjoy this though.
They weren't too happy about me misting them the other day, but they loved it when I soaked the run and other areas they were playing in.
Maybe I'll just start with a shallow wading pool.
Adorable pics!
Chickies go swim swim!
b.hromada :

Yes they do!!! Just last week, I had one of my favorite bantam white rocks, Rose do this. I was probably 5 minutes to late. When I walked into the kitchen, I noticed that the pool had been disturbed, and saw my little girl, face down, floating in the pool!! Let me tell you, I was devastated.
She always had a thing with floating things in the pool. Everyone, please be careful of your birds around water, they CAN'T swim! Although the pictures are adorable, I'm glad they had people there holding them. Like its always said, "Don't do this at home"

How awful! Pools can be so dangerous - to all of us. Sorry for your loss.
You need to submit the pic of the three girls to the pic of week.

they are so cute and it's funny to see a chicken in the water. my birds love it when the sprinkler comes on, they run from the water but go back in to the wet ground. they pretty much know when the sprinkler is headed their way again.
Thanks MommaBugg, and YES!!! I absolutely ❤LOVE❤ the personality of our BO's. They are the sweetest. I can't have a lot of chickens, but we do have room for about 2 more. Next spring, we're getting a couple more BO's! They are so fun!
I'm glad your son liked the pictures. I saw from one of your posts that he's 11.
My oldest daughter is 10 and she and my baby who's 7 are totally into the chicken
experience. It's a great source of joy.
Hi Sue! That is a great idea with the kitty litter boxes. They are so cheap to buy at Walmart too!
I bought 3 to use as nesting boxes for our girls. I think that they probably would like what you did.
They do get so paranoid when anything "new" is introduced so I would need to teach them how
to use them and what they are for.
Do your chickens actually go into them on their own?
Try to stay cool!
It's going to be another scorcher today

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Di-Definitely NOT a problem if their feathers get wet! They dry pretty quickly, but
the water will cool their body temperatures down. If they are panting in the shade
(and who wouldn't be in that kind of heat), it's okay to cool them down with the hose.
They may object, but it's for their own good
. I usually dip my birds in the pool when
I see them panting. It gives them such relief. Unfortunately, the past couple days have
been so hot here that our pool is no relief either as IT has heated up greatly! I will
not hesitate spraying mine down with a hose as I have done that in the past. My
girls don't like it either so I usually put them in their run to do it so they can't escape
the hose. I usually put it on a fine mist, and they squawk and yell at me the whole time.

Stay cool!
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jndorsey-Well....they have pooped in the pool, but only one time. One climbed up on a noodle and had the perfect "perch" position and pooped.

I got the kids out, shocked the pool and all was good. The kids got back in after 1/2 hour. They have not pooped since, and when they are in,
we just make sure that they can't "get up on anything". Seems that as long as they're submerged, they behave! Although....I'm not so naive as to
think that it will never happen again, even while submerged. Their pool dips are pretty short in duration for fear of more.

I am definitely interested in the pool link, so please share with me!
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