Silver Duckwing OEGB rescue, now what


Apr 24, 2017
East Tennessee
I have acquired a Silver Duckwing OEG bantam roo that was living in less than desirable conditions. I was told he is about 5 months old. First question - are there any main/important differences in raising bantams and standards that I should know about? Second question - I understand that mixing bantams and standard is usually unsuccessful, but are there any pointers on making it more successful? I have 8 standard pullets that are 9 weeks old. I have him quarantined, so my pullets will be at least 13+weeks before they will ever meet. If anyone knows of any good resources for information on bantams, besides BYC , please let me know. I appreciate any and all pointers. (Disclaimer - My friend was the one that actually rescued them. She said if things didn't work out I can give him back to her.). Edit - I have learned he is a Silver Duckwing oegb, not a Japanese.
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No good pointers here. I got Bantam and standard chicks at the same time so they are fine together. I have been letting them all out in the yard (with the 3 yo hens) together to get them used to each other. A few minor scrabbles but nothing serious. I do throw some scratch to divert the hens' attention sometimes. The 4 mon old pullets don't even go for scratch yet! The Bantams mostly stick with each other. The standard size pullets like to go into the old girls' coop and eat and drink!

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