Silver Laced Project


Orpingtons Are Us
9 Years
Dec 1, 2010
Owasso, Oklahoma
I want to try my first breeding project and I want to have silver laced EE. I was wondering how to do this? I put a Silver laced Roo over a Black Ameraucana hens? Or a Black Roo over Silver Laced Hens? I'm guessing the Silver Roo over the Black Hens. My goal is to have all silver laced birds with the blue or green egg color. I would Prefer Blue Eggs How hard would this be to achieve? Thanks

What breed for the Silver Laced?

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Since it is an EE project it doesn't really matter which breed used. If you want the blue eggs, go with a white egg layer like the silver laced polish. If you don't mind green egg layers go with the wyandottes, they seem to lay better. Or another way would be to cross a silver polish to black ameraucana hens. Keep only the pullets that lay the best eggs with the best lacing (will be mostly solid black but some could show white). Breed those to a SLW or SL cochin. Keep only the best laced pullets that lay the best colored eggs (in your case more blue than green) and mate it back to a good laced cockerel. From that you should get atleast a few birds that are what you want.
It will take a while to get this even close to what i want it to be. probably 2-4 generations. I think I will try taking a silver laced Polish Roo over Black Ameraucana Hens. When the chicks are laying I will put the Same Polish Roo over the split Hens and hopefully start seeing some silver laced!

It would be much faster if you used Brown-Red Ameraucanas.

But yes, best you use Polish otherwise you'll lose the blue egg. Also, genetically speaking Polish lacing is different and much nicer looking than Wyandotte, Cochin, or Brahma lacing. But, getting a well laced SL Polish can be tricky.

I wanted to do this little project when I saw your auction! They are the coolest EE's I have seen! What is a brown red Ameraucane look like? I'm not sure how I will get the Parent stock for this project. Any one have suggestions?

Brown-Reds are pretty rare honestly, probably the rarest out there. They look like Black Copper Marans in color. Black body, reddish orange head. Males have color in the saddle and wing too but not the secondaries.
Just my opinion, but I'd go searching for the hatchery with the best lacing. Most hatcheries offer decent to good layers, otherwise they wouldn't sell them. See if you can find a pattern with lacing quality and who came from what hatchery.

McMurray, at least 3 years ago, had some excellent SL Polish.

I think it was either Welp or Mt. Healthy, some similar name, I got the skinniest, most "spangled" looking gal who never laid an egg for me at 13 months old, so, I got rid of her. However, she's just one girl, so who knows what the variance is.
I found the LF Cochins! Now I need the Black Ameraucanas with BLUE Eggs! The search continues! Your birds are awesome Illia! I might make some Shamo X Ameraucana. That would be an awesome bird! 28 inches Tall 10 lbs with a beard that lays blue eggs! Maybe a new project!


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