Silver-Laced Wyandotte, about 5 weeks

What is Ducky's Gender?

  • Male

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Female

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • To early to tell

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters


6 Years
Jun 21, 2013
I know that its a bit early to tell, but I thought that this would make a fun experiment!
I have a mixed group with varying ages.

Here is a picture of the main bird in question, "Ducky"

A close up of her/his face. Ducky seems to be the Alpha at the moment, always the first to venture forth or investigate something new, and enjoys putting the others in their place. I have done the challenge test (waving a finger slightly in front of Ducky's beak to see a reaction), and Ducky met my finger, and only backed down when I got very close.

(I love this picture! This could be my family crest!)

Here is another from above. Note that there is no comb development to speak of, but there is an unusually large spot with no feather growth where the comb will be:

If you notice the early feathers in the saddle area, they appear pointed because of the lacing pattern, but are actually rounded:

Here is a picture of how Ducky carries his/her tail, compared to a Wheaten that I know to be female (although, not a great one, at this angle). Tail feathers have developed slowly and are held high most of the time.

What do you think?
I am no professional by absolutely no means lol but I am voting pullet because my 3 straight run SLW all had red combs and prominent wattles at 5 weeks lol yes I'm THAT lucky to get 3 Roos :/ good luck and please let us know how she turns out!:)

Here's a pic of the hens and too that lay Ducky's egg, for reference. I was noting that the feathers coming in on top of Ducky's head seem to be black and white, like the hen, not light grey like the roo. ?
I'm voting pullet as well. Still some time, but 5 weeks is plenty old enough to see some rosecomb development in cockerels. Your chick looks exactly like my SLW pullets at that age. I won't bet my life on it, but I don't think she is a roo.

Never mind the behavior. Girls can act very cocky, especially at this age.
It could be a slow developer, but as I'm hoping for a girl, this is all very good juju!
I'm going to keep the post updated with pics as he/she grows and we'll find out for sure together! Based on comparisons that You've all made, I'm leaning towards girl (woo hoo!)

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