Silver Laced Wyandotte laying 2x


Sep 14, 2022
Hey everyone!

Last month one of my Wyandottes mysteriously died. We think she missed the door at night and freaked out maybe had a heart attack from the panick. Her name was Motto Mami.

Her sister who was attached to her at the hip is Guata-Gata, Gata for short.

Since Motto’s death, I was nervous that she would become lethargic, stop laying and eventually die of sadness but instead she began laying 2x a day!

What’s alarming is that she lays a regular hard shelled egg during the day and then at night she drops soft shelled eggs in her sleep. Sometimes she even lays the soft shelled eggs during the day but it’s a guarantee that she will drop a soft shell at night. I’ve seen it happen with my own 2 eyes.

Should I be concerned? She hasn’t been as social since Mottos death, even the sleeping order has changed within the flock. She’s become a loner…

I know it’s probably from the stress of her companion dying but I will feel better hearing what y'all think.


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What's her diet?
Chickens only remember flock mates for about a week.
Her diet is a blend of Nutrena Feather fixer and Layer Feed. They get to free range and have plenty of access to oyster shells and grit.

In the mornings they get get a handful of scratch.

I give them feather fixer because our rooster is going extra hard at breeding some of the ladies and he’s ripping out the feathers.

Water is fresh! Maybe I should add some electrolytes to it?

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