Pullett shows all signs of laying but only layed two abnormal eggs in a month


5 Years
Nov 21, 2018
Sebastopol, California
I have a Black Copper Maran Pullett who has been quite the mystery. She layed her first egg about a month ago after at least a week of doing egg songs and wandering in and out of the coop. The egg was fine but the shell was overcalcified. A couple days later, she had a soft shelled egg. Keep in mind I feed layer crumble and oyster shells are readily available. She hasn't layed an egg since.
After that soft egg, she stopped crouching for a while. A couple weeks ago she started crouching again, and doing egg songs, and nesting. But still no egg. She does this pattern almost every day. She acts otherwise totally normal, no signs of illness and I feel no egg binding upon palpatation. If she was eggbound she'd be showing signs of illness and would have died by now anyway.
Another thing to note is that she was hatched with splayed legs. They were fixed within the first week of her life, and her anatomy appears completely normal to me. After having had chickens for over a decade, this is a huge mystery to me. I appreciate any thoughts.
It takes new layers a little while to get into a routine and to get any problems with the eggs straightened out. As far as I know there's really nothing you can do but wait for the problem to work itself out.

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